Hits: 14159

Rotatable Tower 2

Published: Saturday, 24 August 2013 05:20

Tower 2 is a little bit smaller then tower 1. It is still fully rotatable and we can also lift it up and down.

Heredown you can see the first element

1 Firstelement

The top tower element are from aluminium. The bottom is home made by Erik from steel

2 Firstensecondelement

Heredown you can see the construction for the wires to lift the tower up and down

3 Gearbox

Just testing if it al fits together

3 All3elements

The steel construction to turn the while tower

3 Rotatorplate

Willy is painting the construction

4 217 1723

Next step : The construction has to be set very secure

6 217 1741

Erik is fitting the small rotor to turn the tower

6 mast2

All toys assembled

8 218 1854

Nice job but we were lucky that we had the crane again

10 DSC 2687

Adjusting and adjusting, It take hours to let it run left and down correctly

11 DSC 2691

12 DSC 2692

13 DSC 2719

14 DSC 2723

Heredown you can see tower 2 without the beams. But the glassfiber pipe wich hold the 1,8 Mhz vertical is assembled

17 nokia 157 LOW

At first we made a 6 element for 21 Mhz and a dipole for 21 Mhz

18 erik3 007 low

Later on we added a 6 element beam for 28 Mhz also

19 IMG 2236 low

Just before the summer of 2013 we replaced the 6 element for 28 Mhz to an 7 element for 28 Mhz.

Now it is a closed dipole system. We also added a second beam 6 element for 21 Mhz. So today

we can also stack 21 Mhz. It makes a huge difference in transmitting to DX locations !! 

A tower2june2013