Hits: 16640

Tower Europe

Published: Saturday, 24 August 2013 05:21

Tower Europe is actually a old TV tower wich is many yaers old. We replaced the TV antennes to our toys.

Because we can easy to it up and down it is ideal to test new beams. It also holds some dipole for the

local signals in Europe on 7 Mhz, 3,7 Mhz and 1,8 Mhz. It is only about 12 meters from the ground

Ofcours assembling in winter time : What a hobby

 1 211 1150 low

But also playing during the summer

217 1792

3 element for 21 Mhz and a 3 element for a 3 element for 14 Mhz

3 el 20m & 3 el 10 meter EU tower low

Yes yes, We corrected the wrong angle between the beams

3 erik2 010 low


IMG 1841

In the summer of 2013 we added an HyGain TH11DX. Nice for multiplier station and Warc bands. Works great