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PI4DX is a small group of amateurs with their own expertises.
Good hamspirit is very important for us.
PD1DX Erik is the owner of the property and station. He has his own contractor compagny. Look at his webpage loonbedrijf Vervaet. He prefers SSB but he is studies a lot on CW. Erik is the designer of all our homebrew Yagi antennes.
PA3EVY Willy did have his own compagny in the harbour of Terneuzen. He is now retired and enjoys his pension a lot. He prefers CW and is always searching for new countries. On the photo you can see Willy installing his Optibeam at home
PC5Z Harm is an Instrumentation Technician/Proces Control Engineer in the Petrochemical Industry at Terneuzen. He prefers to run and search on SSB and does a lot of WFF field work.
PD2DX Johan is a project manager at a big technical provider solutions compagny. He prefers running SSB and searching for Multipliers. He has a lot of computer and network knowledge
PD2R Maarten is a Fire Fighter at an local Airport. He prefers running pile ups on SSB
PA3GDD Arnold is a technical support engineer at a local company. He prefers running on CW.
PA7DX Casper is a Service Area Manager at a global communication and security compagny. Hobby time is hard to find so not too much time for contesting. He is mainly supporting for the technical problems and is the webmaster of this website.
PA0ABM Wino is retired system engineer and control engineer on a chemical plant. He is a very skilled CW operator. We always learn a lot from him! Wino is a real DXCC collector.
PA0RRS Richard is also a very skilled CW operator. He has been serving 40 years in the Dutch Royal Air Force in the Communications Division as ground-ground and air-ground CW operator. He has setp up DXpeditions to CT3, 9M2, 9M6, 9M8, YB9, and VK4. He has his own locations and callsign in 9M2 (9M2MRS). He is a real DXCC and IOTA hunter and worked over 330 DXCC countries.
PD7RB Robert prefers running on SSB and is visiting our station quitte some times during the year.