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Rotatable Tower 1
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- Published: Saturday, 24 August 2013 05:18
In Tower 1 we have several beams. We can lift all the beams to the top en lower them to work on them when nessecary and to prevent damages during windy storms.
Hereby a small photo tour how we did assemble it. Just scroll down to see it growing.
Erik is working drilling holes in the work shop on the small rotor gear ring.
Our friend Fons (non Ham) with golden hands is preparing the base construction
Fons in his element working with the heavy tools !
We assembled a 380 volt motor to turn the complete tower
We make a small step in time. Here you can see the motor assembled for lifting the tower and turning it while it is up in the air
With our Hitachi crane we lifted the tower for testing the construction.
Heredown you can see the complete tower with the small tower on the side wich we can lift to the top.
Our friend Peet (also a non Ham) is assembling the cables. He is sure not afraid of height
Maarten is bringing the first boom into the sky
Trust me my friends, This will give you a nice view and it is not even the top to be reached !
This begins to look at something :
Heredown you can see the beams. 2 x stack 6 element beams for 28 Mhz and a dipole for 7 Mhz wich holds a boom.
1 x 4 element for 7 Mhz fullsize and 1 x 6 element for 14 Mhz on a 24 meter boom, Also a dipole for 14 Mhz
Such a nice photo from bottem to the top : The endresults
Heredown there is a link wich will lead you to youtube. It is a nice demonstration how we automaticly lift our beams to the top :
Tower 1 lifting to the top on youtube
Finally we added a link on youtube where you can see the whole tower turning :
We will soon add picures how we assembled our indicators of the angle where the tower is pointing.